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حال می خواهم برای قسمتهای زیر
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کد زیر را داریم
/*! * strength.js * Original author: @aaronlumsden * Further changes, comments: @aaronlumsden * Licensed under the MIT license */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "strength", defaults = { strengthClass: 'strength', strengthMeterClass: 'strength_meter', strengthButtonClass: 'button_strength', strengthButtonText: 'Show Password', strengthButtonTextToggle: 'Hide Password' }; // $('<style>body { background-color: red; color: white; }</style>').appendTo('head'); function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this.$elem = $(this.element); this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { var characters = 0; var capitalletters = 0; var loweletters = 0; var number = 0; var special = 0; var upperCase = new RegExp('[A-Z]'); var lowerCase = new RegExp('[a-z]'); var numbers = new RegExp('[0-9]'); var specialchars = new RegExp('([!,%,&,@,#,$,^,*,?,_,~])'); function GetPercentage(a, b) { return ((b / a) * 100); } function check_strength(thisval, thisid) { if (thisval.length > 8) { characters = 1; } else { characters = 0; }; if (thisval.match(upperCase)) { capitalletters = 1 } else { capitalletters = 0; }; if (thisval.match(lowerCase)) { loweletters = 1 } else { loweletters = 0; }; if (thisval.match(numbers)) { number = 1 } else { number = 0; }; var total = characters + capitalletters + loweletters + number + special; var totalpercent = GetPercentage(7, total).toFixed(0); get_total(total, thisid); } function get_total(total, thisid) { var thismeter = $('div[data-meter="' + thisid + '"]'); if (total == 0) { thismeter.removeClass().html(''); } else if (total <= 1) { thismeter.removeClass(); thismeter.addClass('veryweak').html('<p>وضعیت: خیلی ضعیف</p>'); } else if (total == 2) { thismeter.removeClass(); thismeter.addClass('weak').html('<p>Strength: weak</p>'); } else if (total == 3) { thismeter.removeClass(); thismeter.addClass('medium').html('<p>Strength: medium</p>'); } else { thismeter.removeClass(); thismeter.addClass('strong').html('<p>Strength: strong</p>'); } console.log(total); } var isShown = false; var strengthButtonText = this.options.strengthButtonText; var strengthButtonTextToggle = this.options.strengthButtonTextToggle; thisid = this.$elem.attr('id'); this.$elem.addClass(this.options.strengthClass).attr('data-password', thisid).after('<input style="display:none" class="' + this.options.strengthClass + '" data-password="' + thisid + '" type="text" name="" value=""><a data-password-button="' + thisid + '" href="" class="' + this.options.strengthButtonClass + '">' + this.options.strengthButtonText + '</a><div class="' + this.options.strengthMeterClass + '"><div data-meter="' + thisid + '"><p></p></div></div>'); this.$elem.bind('keyup keydown', function (event) { thisval = $('#' + thisid).val(); $('input[type="text"][data-password="' + thisid + '"]').val(thisval); check_strength(thisval, thisid); }); $('input[type="text"][data-password="' + thisid + '"]').bind('keyup keydown', function (event) { thisval = $('input[type="text"][data-password="' + thisid + '"]').val(); console.log(thisval); $('input[type="password"][data-password="' + thisid + '"]').val(thisval); check_strength(thisval, thisid); }); $(document.body).on('click', '.' + this.options.strengthButtonClass, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); thisclass = 'hide_' + $(this).attr('class'); if (isShown) { $('input[type="text"][data-password="' + thisid + '"]').hide(); $('input[type="password"][data-password="' + thisid + '"]').show().focus(); $('a[data-password-button="' + thisid + '"]').removeClass(thisclass).html(strengthButtonText); isShown = false; } else { $('input[type="text"][data-password="' + thisid + '"]').show().focus(); $('input[type="password"][data-password="' + thisid + '"]').hide(); $('a[data-password-button="' + thisid + '"]').addClass(thisclass).html(strengthButtonTextToggle); isShown = true; } }); }, yourOtherFunction: function (el, options) { // some logic } }; // A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor, // preventing against multiple instantiations $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document);
حال می خواهم برای قسمتهای زیر
var upperCase = new RegExp('[A-Z]'); var lowerCase = new RegExp('[a-z]'); var numbers = new RegExp('[0-9]'); var specialchars = new RegExp('([!,%,&,@,#,$,^,*,?,_,~])');علاوه بر کلمات انگلیسی حروف فارس هم چک شود
کد را باید چگونه تغییر بدهم